After beginning the practice in 1996, I received a diploma in yoga in 2001 (which gave me 500hrs of teacher training). I was left with much knowledge and information but little depth of experience (in the art of what yoga really is). After exploraing styles and trainings with an array of well known teachers I finally found myself in a class, in which I was taken for the very first time deeply into my body. That class was given by Godfrey Devereux and from that moment onwards I embarked on a 10 year apprenticship at his side. This is when my real training happened, learning in the very tradtional way (of assimilation and exposure), I became a chela to my guru. During that time I started to assist his classes which over the many years led to my eventually teaching alongside him. Although about 10 years ago Godfrey told me my apprenticeship had finished, I still consider every moment with him and the students I work with a continuation of refinement in understanding and application. During these last 20 years I have studied, practiced and attended retreats in Vipassana, Zen Session, Tantra, Adviata, Non-Duality and more. Whilst always retreating annually in Somatic Meditation intensives. A little of my practice... Read more about Godfrey here...