Love is the very essence of what you are, is the heart of where peace expresses itself and where your uniqueness is unquestionable, is where the impulses to give, to be curious and to be kind arise freely, is a simultaneous fluctuation of infolding and unfolding (in to you and out to others), releasing vibrant waves in search of other waves, without demanding to be found or to find.
In the expansion of domination, consumerism and idealisation, in the need to push for improvement and empowerment we have forgotten the pathways into love. Almost losing the ability to hear and to live from this deep wisdom that resides within us.
I'd like to remind you from the wisdom of my body to yours that the pathways of love are always open and to show you how easily they can be entered again.
' join me, in your own time, and at your own pace, on your unique journey deep into the heart of the love that you are'